venerdì, 13 settembre 2024
  • Italiano
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Italy1.png FESTA “DELLA CELLA” 2015






11-22 FEBBRAIO 2015


11-19 febbraio, Novena della “Cella”

Mercoledì 11 febbraio, h. 16.30, S. Messa alla Grotta di Lourdes

Affidamento a Maria della nostra Parrocchia, del nostro Istituto e di tutti i nostri ammalati (in caso di cattivo tempo la celebrazione si farà nell’Oratorio dell’Addolorata, con ingresso dal Santuario, sull’altare, a sinistra).

Dal 12 al 19 febbraio, h. 16.30, S. Messa nell’Oratorio dell’Addolorata

Ogni giorno distingueremo la S. Messa con uno spunto di riflessione rosminiana e al termine faremo un momento di preghiera nella “Cella”.

                                 Sabato 14 febbraio la riflessione e la preghiera saranno alla S. Messa del mattino (h. 7.30).


Venerdì 20 febbraio, visita al Calvario per i giovani dell’Istituto “Rosmini” e dell’Istituto Alberghiero “A. Rosmini”

In mattinata, visita alla cella del Beato A. Rosmini e all’area sommitale del Sacro Monte con breve momento di riflessione.

h. 10.30 S. Messa nella sala Bozzetti e piccolo rinfresco.

La S. Messa è aperta a tutti, l’ingresso è dal Piazzale delle Cappelle.

Per tutto il giorno è possibile visitare la “Cella del Beato A. Rosmini” rivolgendosi alla portineria del convento, vicino al Santuario.


Sabato 21 febbraio, h. 16.00, Conferenza all’Istituto Rosmini (Collegio Femminile)

Svegliate il mondo! Consacrati e laici rosminiani per un nuovo umanesimo”.

Presenta il tema Massimo Andriolo, direttore di Rosmini TV, Licenza in Teologia Pastorale presso la Pontificia Università Lateranense di Roma.

h. 18.00 S. Messa Solenne nella Collegiata dei SS. Gervaso e Protaso

Presiede S. Ecc. Mons. Martino Canessa, Vescovo Emerito di Tortona. Accompagnerà la Celebrazione la Corale S. Cecilia di Domodossola.


Domenica 22 febbraio, h. 15.00 Via crucis con testi del B. Antonio Rosmini

h. 17.30, nella Sala Bozzetti al S. Monte Calvario

“Concerto della Cella” Musica a casa Rosmini

I solisti della Camerata Strumentale di S. Quirico.

Silvia Arfacchia : violino, Arianna Cartini, Viola, Marco Immovilli : pianoforte


Monte Calvario.

20th February is one of the most special days in what we might call the Rosminian Calendar. It is called the Feast of the Cell and is similar to a birthday for it is on that day in 1828 that Rosmini, at Monte Calvario in the far north of Italy, commenced his writing of the Constitutions of the Institute of Charity (Rosminians).

February is of course winter in Italy. In the north it can be bleak, cold and snowy. Rosmini had wanted to write the Constitutions (the aims or purpose and way of life for his Institute of Brothers and Priests) in a secluded place, but what awaited him on the Sacred Mountain of Calvario was something more like a haunted castle.

Still a young man, Antonio left behind his friends and family, put aside his studies and, with two companions, set out to climb the hillside, through mist and snow, in order to reach the abandoned monastery where they were to stay.

What did he find? The garden was a wilderness, the forest was alive with vipers and snakes, and the building almost a ruin. We are told that the rain came through the roofs, most of the windows were broken, and lizards, scorpions and birds had made their home inside. And to top it off, his close supporter at that time (a Frenchman named Fr Lowenbruck who had decided to join him and had promised to meet him on the 20th) arrived three months late!

So what did Antonio Rosmini do? From this wilderness and disorder he created a humble home and wrote the Constitutions or foundations of his Order. In silence and prayer, and with great patience and trust, he set about his work. On the 20 February 1828 which that year was Ash Wednesday he celebrated Mass, received the ashes on his head, and spent the next two months writing the Constitutions in his small and simple room called ‘La Cella’ (pronounced chella) or the Cell; hence the name of our feast and day of celebration.

Over time others joined him. Young men and women (after the Sisters were founded) were attracted by his humility, acute intelligence and wisdom, his love of Jesus and the Church, and his passion for truth. Slowly what is now the Mother House of the Order took shape.

Today, Monte Calvario is a far different place from those early years. The cell is still there with its simple iron bed, but the wilderness has been transformed into beautiful gardens set against the rugged surrounding mountains. Calvario’s heart remains the same; a place to draw close to God in quietness, reflection and prayer. As the Italian noviciate it is home now to young men coming from Italy, Georgia, and Azerbaijan who following in the footsteps of Blessed Antonio seek God’s truth, love and wisdom along the path to priesthood or life as a Brother.


Reflection during Adoration


“Adore Be Silent Rejoice”


These few words point to a particular way of living out our lives in God’s presence.


Adore: Let us reflect on the words, “Yahweh carried you, as a man carries his child, all along the road you travelled on the way to this place.” (Deut1:31) Do I kneel in adoration before God who is a constant Presence in my life and in the lives of all those with whom I interact?


Be Silent: Let us be silent before our God as we reflect on the many blessings freely given to us during the past year. The well-known song reminds us: “Count your blessings, name them one by one.” Did the blessings I received during the past year outweigh the challenges which confronted me?


Rejoice : Let us rejoice that God continues to accompany us. Look at Anna and Simeon who were “people of long experience and wisdom, and rooted and grounded in God, they kept hope alive, their spirits on tip toe with expectancy. While living in the shadows of old age, having no visible importance or relevance, they were shining lights in the upside down kingdom of God.” ( Hegarty quoting from a talk by Ruth Patterson, CORI Oct.’14)


Let us support nurture & encourage one another to live out our vocation with joyful hearts.



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