The principles of Rosminian spirituality
Desire solely and infinitely to please God, which means to be good.
Devote all one’s thoughts and actions to the growth and honour of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Remain in perfect tranquillity concerning all that happens by divine disposal concerning the Church of Jesus Christ, working for it according to the divine call.
Surrendering oneself to divine Providence.
Intimately recognising one’s own nothingness.
Arrange all the activities of one’s life with a spirit of intelligence.
Notice - Board
The Notice-Board page collects videos on various events, including the Anniversary of Mother Giovanna’s Death, Digital Seminars, the “Cell Festival 2022” and other updates.
The events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Mother Giovanna’s death include prayer meetings and moments of reflection on her life and teaching, involving the community in a journey of sharing and commemoration.
Digital events include interactive seminars and workshops aimed at exploring new technologies and their educational applications.
At the Calvary in the Sala Bozzetti the Father General Don Marco Tanghetti meets the Sisters, Ascribes and Volunteers of the Calvary, Domodossola.
“We do not have a specific service since our charism is to embody the providential love of the Father. In the various countries in which we are present we dedicate ourselves to the education of children, adolescents and young people in school; we collaborate in pastoral action in the parishes, we take care of the elderly, the sick and prisoners.”
Rosminian Sisters