martedì, 11 febbraio 2025
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United_Kingdom1.png India 2015

Dear Friends,

                       Today is a joyous, great, grace filled and a memorable day and event for the Sisters of Providence and in a very special way for the Indian Region of the Rosminian sisters. Because on this bright and dawning day two of Rosminian sisters from Vettuthura community professed their final vows and a novice from Cheriathura community professed her first vows. For this special occasion the General of the sisters of Providence, Rev.Sr. Mary Antonietta Toomey and vicar general Rev.Sr.Carla Cattrotti arrived in Vettuthura. These two great peoples presence have increased the tempo of the joy in Rosminian sisters here. The joyful celebration started at 11 am in  Vettuthura church by a Eucharistic celebration. All the priests present there specially with the main celebrant moved in a procession to the church with the two sisters and a novice. The church was filled with many different congregation sisters, formees and faithful.  The church choir spread the spiritual vibrations throughout the church with their melody. The newly constructed church also added more joy to this occasion. Msgr. Eugin H.Periera, Viacr General of the Archdiocese of Trivandrum was the main celebrant and he through his homily enriched the heart of these three sisters about the vows and the importance of  surrender and sacrifice. Sr.Mary Christina Bennachan and Sr.Mary Cecilia Jospeh professed their final vows and a novice Aji Christudas professed her first vows in the presence of Rev. Mother General Sr. Mary Antonietta Toomy. All the people prayed for the two finally professed members as they prostrated in front of the altar during the litany of the Saints. At the end Sr.Mary Christina thanked all who were present there with her short thanksgiving message. With this mass ended. After the mass the sisters provided a delicious meal for all as Jesus filled the hungry of 5 thousands. With this the celebration came to an end but a new life and a journey has started in the life of these three Rosminian sisters and we wish them all the best,  May God bless them abundantly. All for now from Vettuthura,

By Reporter: Vetri Prabu

Camera men: Fristo Paulson.


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