Under the protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe
It was October 24, 1966 and Providence was calling us to Latin America, to Maracaibo in Venezuela.
Four nuns and a father left from the port of Genoa: Sister Tranquillina Mora, Sister Maria Antida, Sister Ida Pia Venara, Sister Valentina Rita Colombo and Father Renzo Forti.
The strength of the detachment from the homeland came from obedience: the response of a YES to Jesus who called. The rest was an adventure that was lived moment by moment. The mission developed from Maracaibo to the Andes.
Hermanas Rosminianas Colegio ” A. Rosmini” Ap.do 10180 Edo Zulia |
Hermanas Rosminianas CASA DE RETIRO Juan Pablo II Ap.do 125 – Valera – Edo TRUJILLO |
Hermanas Rosminianas de Tomarrazon Curia episcopal calle 13 n.8-12 – Ap.do 12 – Rioacha Guajira |
Provincia D’Italia della Congregazione delle Suore della Provvidenza Rosminiane
Registered office and operational headquarters: Via Aurelia, 773 – 00165 – Rome (RM), C.F. 02532190580 e P.I. 01071821001
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