Via Aurelia, 773
Rome, 27 January 2014
My dear Sisters,
We know that there are Meetings taking place in the different Districts during these weeks on “Taking the Chapter home”: “Walking towards the future”.We send you greetings for this valuable timeof being together and of sharing, in the spirit of the Chapter.
We have tried to create a fresh, life-giving message fromthe Chapter, processing and developing it into anoriginal, manageable and colourful booklet.Each step, each page, each photograph and image along with the overall presentation has been carefully chosen in order to show thesignificance of the content of this project for our life together and our future mission. In the same way, inspirational texts to accompany the Directives have been selected with care along with the Biblical Icon to guide us in the way ahead.
Obviously this process and its implementation needed timeand much thought. (The electronic version was sent to the Coordinators on 21 December 2013 so that they could study it beforehand, involving the capitulars where possible. Unfortunately there was a hold-up with booklets at the Printers).
The whole involvement was personally very enriching for us and we wish that each one of you will also share the richness of this experience, this “vision” which revitalizes and unites us.
Let us continue our journey, welcoming the message we receive with open hearts and minds and in doing so, welcome one another with respect and love; in this way we can become a means of salvation and hope for all whom we meet along the way.
With our love and God’s blessing.
[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/Qjnc0H8utks” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen ]