Friday, 13 September 2024
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Consecrate to Jesus, the Crucified One and his Sorrowful Mother

Our daily prayer, punctuated by the Liturgy of the Hours in communion with the whole Church, has its own characteristic that marks us and reminds us to whom we are consecrated. Thus once a day we commemorate in community prayer the shedding of the most precious blood of Jesus and the pain of Mary. 

SUNDAYCommemoration 1st
Guide: Jesus Sheds Blood in Circumcision
All: Infuse our Most Sweet Redeemer, in the souls consecrated to you, a fervent perseverance, and in all sinners a sure penance Guide: Jesus Christ has beloved us. Everyone: He washed us with his Blood.
1st pain: 
Guide:Your soul will be pierced by a sword.
All: Mary, teach us to adore in spirit and truth, accepting the will of God even when it is mysterious and painful. 
Ave Maria
MondayCommemoration 2nd
Guide: Jesus Sweats Blood in the Garden of Olives
Everyone: Teach us, Lord, to embrace suffering with full will, however it comes to us.
G.: We pray to you, Lord, come to the aid of your faithful.
All: You who have redeemed us your precious Blood. Gloria.
2nd pain:  Guide: Joseph, who got up during the night, took the child and his Mother to take refuge in Egypt. Everyone: Mary, teach us to be poor in spirit, detached, available and ready at any time of the day.
Ave Maria
TuesdayCommemoration 3rd
Guide: The flagellation
All: Purify, O Blood of Jesus, our minds and hearts by giving us the hatred of sin with the strength to fight against evil and to cut off its opportunities.
G.: The Blood of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God Everyone:You wash us of all our faults
3rd pain: 
Guide: Son, what have you done to us? Your father and I were looking for you in anguish
All: Mary, teach us to be pure of heart, to find Jesus in prayer, in our brothers and sisters and in every circumstance.
Ave Maria
4th Guide: The crowning of thorns
Everyone: May the memory of our sins, Jesus, bend our pride and make us love true humility. God has raised us to the dignity of children through Jesus Christ
All: We have been redeemed with his Blood
4th pain:
Guide: He, carrying his cross, went to the place called Calvary
All: Mary, teach us to correspond to grace, faithfully following our way with Jesus ascending to Calvary.
Ave Maria
ThursdayCommemoration 5th
Guide: Jesus Carries the Cross All: For your precious Blood and for the pain of your Mother Mary, teach us, Jesus, to renounce ourselves and to conform ourselves in everything to the will of the Father. 
G.: Jesus, wanting to sanctify the people with his Blood, sacrificed himself on Calvary
Everyone: Let us also go to meet him, carrying his cross
5th pain:
Guide: At the cross of Jesus was his Mother
Everyone: Mary, help us to learn from the things we have to suffer, the redemptive obedience of Jesus until death on the cross.
Ave Maria
FridayCommemoration 6th
Guide: The Crucifixion
All: Jesus the Saviour, may our life also be voluntarily crucified for the salvation of souls
G.: You have redeemed us, Lord, with your Blood Everyone: You have gathered us from every tribe, language, people and nation
6th pain:
Guide: One of the soldiers with the spear opened his side: blood and water came out.
All: Mary, teach us to love the Church and the world with universal love, humbly expressed every day in the offering of our blood
Ave Maria
SATURDAYCommemoration 7th
Guide: The launched to the side
Everyone: We ask you, Lord, to make us find our peace only in your love, to bless your Vicar on earth and to give unity and growth to your Church.
G.: Sanctified with the Blood of Christ
All: Salvation will come to us from him Gloria.
7th pain:
Guide: They placed it in the tomb dug into the boulder and overturned a stone there. Everyone: Mary, teach us the hidden life with Christ in God, vibrant with faith, hope and charity, until we enter into the joy of our Lord. Ave Maria
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