My dear Sisters,
The month of November is generally associated with autumn, the season when nature is ablaze with colour and accompanied by a gentle sense of ‘dying’. This of course depends on where you live and where it may already be a time of fresh growth! However, there is a common bond which unites us during this month: November is a time of remembering –a time of bringing to mind those we love who have already reached their goal in life. We remember, with hearts full of gratitude, two in particular: on 13th we celebrate the anniversary of the death Mother Giovanna and on the18th the 8th anniversary of the Beatification of Bl Antonio Rosmini.
They stand out for us as true charismatic people who lived their lives well and had the power to transform the lives of others by their way of living. Like St Paul they could say “for I am full of joy in the Lord … I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. There is nothing I cannot do in the One who strengthens me. (Phil 4: 10-13) And they continue to be inspirational for us today.
Taking up the theme mentioned in the message sent at the beginning of the month, ‘There is only one real sadness in life, that of not being a saint’, in the atmosphere of the Year of Consecrated Life, as well as looking forward to the Holy Year of Mercy, let us make our own, the lived experience of these two great elected ‘corner-stones’ as expressed in the sentiments of a letter written by Bl Antonio Rosmini on 13 November 1848 to Sr Giovanna Antonietti: “I am very glad to hear of your readiness to serve God with resignation to his holy will, and with the whole of yourself. In this way you will become holy. Simply have courage, always based on God’s help. He is more good and merciful than we can imagine.”
The 13 November is also appropriately World Kindness Day. In the world of today, unlike that of Fr Founder and Mother Giovanna, where the pace of life is faster and the influence of new technology becomes more intrusive, there is a strong possibility that communication becomes less personal. Communicating with kindness, in whatever form, means being ready to serve others and this not only leads to our own wellbeing but transforms the lives of those around us and those on our doorstep.
May Bl Antonio Rosmini and Mother Giovanna inspire us to be ready to serve God and those whom we meet along the path of life.
With love,
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