Thursday, 16 January 2025
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United_Kingdom1.png My dear Sisters …





Rome, 21.11.2013


As you know, during this time, we are preparing the stage for ‘Taking the Chapter Home’: some decisions have already been made and the next appointment concerns our mission and communication.

In Deliberation No 5,from the Chapter, we underline the value of the new evangelization and the importance of our participation in the mission of Jesus. During the Chapter, we emphasised  thismissionary aspect which is at the centre of our ecclesial and Rosminian vocation.

We find the practical application for carrying out this commitment in the text of the Deliberation which asks for a Sister to be appointed to this task. She will encourage the sharing of the different experiences in the Congregation, updating news, promoting communication among the sisters, the ascribed, friends and those who work with us, according to apostolic and missionary activity, in each of the Districts.

As you have seen from the DistributionSr Pier Antonia has accepted this responsibility and is available for this service to the Congregation.

We have asked her to:


Work with Dr Renato Galdo (teacher in the school in Rome, ‘webmaster’ and expert in communications) to reorganize and renew the Congregation website. We are thinking of a dynamic site which will be constantly updated. This site will be ready in a few months once all the necessary information has been collected. One part of this site will bereserved for the sisters;a place where they can find important documents of the Congregation and follow various events in the Rosminian family.


Create a Congregation Facebook, in which to insert daily news, informationthought for the dayThis is a means of communication within the Congregation and also for otherswho visit this web page.


Produce the ‘Rosminian News’ Bulletin with Renato.


Communicate missionary projects, collecting funds with other sisters involved and maintaining contact with the various benefactors.

As you can see this is a vast undertaking and we ask your collaboration:

that each community  sends their own new information, accompanied by up-to-date photographs for the website.

where possible that each sister sends news or other itemsin this way we can present our life in the various districts.

Sr Pier Antonia will be in contact, asking you to provide information on small or great events.Every little happening is precious for communicating our experience and our willingness to be a small mustard seed which can move mountains…

Dear Sisters, we welcome this new way of being present in the website and in the world. Each one of us needs to participate in this initiative so that we can communicate at the same time,to many people, in different places.


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