Thursday, 16 January 2025
  • Italiano
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From the WORD of GOD
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus.Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi”, “Where are you staying?”. He said to them, ”Come, and you will see.”
So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about four in the afternoon. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus. He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah.” Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Kephas” (which is translated Peter). The next day he decided to go to Galilee, and he found Philip. And Jesus said to him, “Follow me”.
( Jn 1: 35-43)

From the DOCUMENTS of the CHURCH
I would also remind you of the words that Jesus once said to the disciples who asked him: “Teacher, where are you staying?” He replied, “Come and see” (Jn 1:38). Jesus looks at you and invites you to go with him. Dear young people, have you noticed this look towards you? Have you heard this voice? Have you felt this urge to undertake this journey? I am sure that, despite the noise and confusion seemingly prevalent in the world, this call continues to resonate in the depths of your heart so as to open it to joy in its fullness. Do not be afraid to listen to the Spirit who proposes bold choices; do not delay when your conscience asks you to take risks in following the Master. (Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to young people on the occasion of the presentation of the Preparatory Document of the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops,13 January 2017) In God’s plan, every man is born to seek self-fulfilment, for every human life is called to some task by God. At birth a human being possesses certain aptitudes and abilities in germinal form, and these qualities are to be cultivated so that they may bear fruit. By developing these traits through formal education of personal effort, the individual works his way toward the goal set for him by the Creator. Endowed with intellect and free will, each man is responsible for his self-fulfilment even as he is for his salvation. (n. 15)
The ultimate goal is a full-bodied humanism. And does this not mean the fulfilment of the whole man and of every man? A narrow humanism, closed in on itself and not open to the values of the spirit and to God who is their source, could achieve apparent success, for man can set about organizing terrestrial realities without God. But “closed off from God, they will end up being directed against man. A humanism closed off from other realities becomes inhuman.” True humanism points the way toward God and acknowledges the task to which we are called, the task which offers us the real meaning of human life.(n. 42)
(Popolorum progressio, Encyclical Letter of Pope Paul VI on the development of peoples, March 26, 1967)

From the WRITINGS of Blessed A. ROSMINI
So as regards events in the Church we must remain entirely calm, convinced that Jesus Christ lives, that he has all power in heaven and on earth; that he does whatever he wishes, and that nothing happens that is not ordained to his greater glory and his complete triumph. So what is there left for the Christian to do? Only to work at his own sanctification, purify his conscience, pray, be consumed by the fire of unlimited love. As for things undertaken for the benefit of his neighbour and the good of the Church, he must remain tranquil while awaiting the divine call.
The Christian, while acknowledging his own nothingness and powerlessness to accomplish these things, knows besides that God can still make use of his nothingness and do with it what pleases him. And so he must wait to see if the mercy of God will condescend to make use of him as an instrument for some work of his, so that his glory may shine forth through our infirmity. As yet he knows nothing of God’s dispositions and intentions in his regard, and so must wait, like our Blessed Lady, until they are made known to him: he may notanticipate God’s decrees. It may be that God does not wish to make use of him; and in this case he will live in the quiet and obscurity of the normal state in which God has placed him, tranquil and content Or it may be that the Lord does wish to make use of him, and in this case, wondering ever more at the immensity of the divine mercy, he will place himself at God’s disposal, docile and unresisting, like the staff in a man’s hand.
But how are we to know these divine calls, these expressions of the will of God? First through circumstances. The first rule for interpreting them is the knowledge that God gently disposes all things. And in the light of this rule, the Christian seeks nothing but refuses nothing; he rejects none of the opportunities of doing good that present themselves to him.
(To Don G.B. Loewenbruck at Domodossola, Milan, 9 August 1827; AL Vol.I, let.25, p.58, translated and edited by John Morris IC.)


Jesus, Son of God,
in whom the fullness of the Divinity dwells,
You call all the baptized to “ put out into the deep”,
taking the path that leads to holiness.
Waken in the hearts of young people the desire
to be witnesses in the world of today
to the power of your love.
Fill them with your Spirit of fortitude and prudence,
so that they may be able to discover the full truth
about themselves and their own vocation.
(Pope John Paul II, from the message for the
42nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 17 April 2005)

PASTORAL YEAR 2017 – 2018



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