Via Aurelia, 773
2 February 2014
My dear Sisters,
With the Church we enter into the Temple to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord –Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is ‘the Light of the world’. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples and first and foremost to one another.
Let us call to mind the invitation of Pope John Paul II for the first World Day for Consecrated Life in 1997, who says the 2 February is a suitable occasion for consecrated persons:
to renew their commitment and rekindle the fervour which should inspire their offering of themselves to the Lord,
to discover by a more illumined faith the rays of divine beauty spread by the Spirit in their way of life,
to acquire a more vivid consciousness of their irreplaceable mission in the Church and in the world,
to return to the sources of their vocation, to take stock of their own lives, to confirm the commitment of their own consecration.
In this way, consecrated persons will be able to give witness with joy to the men and women of our time, in diverse situations, that the Lord is the Love who is able to fill the heart of the humanperson.
We have made a
conscious choice to live ourbaptismal promises and we ask God for the freedom and grace to continue our commitment
in serving Him with
open hearts and willing spirits.
In the spirit of this day we announce a
“Year for Vocation” beginning on
25 March 2014
(details to follow)
in line withthe Chapter recommendation (Formation: Directive no 6) also bearing in mind that “each community is responsible for vocation promotion”. (Distribution 2013-14). Also, the theme of this year’s formation leaflets for the Rosminian Family is ‘Our vocation’.
Pope Francis calls for the 51stWorld Day of Prayer for Vocations on 11 May 2014 and says: ‘A vocation is a fruit that ripens in a well cultivated field of mutual love that becomes mutual service, in the context of an authentic ecclesial life‘. We also know that Pope Francis has announced the beginning of a ‘Year of Consecrated Life’ in 2015.
Happy Feast of the Presentation of the Lord!
May God bless us and continue to lead us into his light.
With love
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