Tuesday, 11 February 2025
  • Italiano
  • English
United_Kingdom1.png My dear Sisters …

Via Aurelia, 773



Rome, 7 March 2020


My dear Sisters,


It seems our world has suddenly become smaller. In this time of uncertainty and concern, the news from various quarters shows an explosion of the virus which has begun to cause serious harm.


The reality is that we do not know enough about Covid-19. What we do know is that it will evolve constantly and rapidly.  Appropriate protective measures are in place in each country, which must be observed.


The President of the Republic of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, in speaking about the health emergency linked to the spread of coronavirus, affecting many countries in the world, said: “This concern is understandable and requires everyone’s sense of responsibility but we must absolutely avoid unmotivated and counterproductive states of anxiety … we can and must have confidence in the skills and resources we have. We can and must have confidence in Italy”.


We too must have this trust wherever we live …


This world situation tests our faith; we are called to live with the power of faith in hope.


Jesus travelled through the towns and villages “curing every disease and infirmity”.


At your word, O Lord, the sick are healed again. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of this virus and heal those who are sick.


Every time we recite the Our Father during the day – we are in the hands of God – let us pray to the Father with all our heart, that he will free us from evil … and also to our Blessed Virgin Mary, we say Hail Holy Queen Mother of Mercy, our life and our hope, to you we cry…


While we are concerned about preventing the infection ‘frequently washing our hands with soap and hot water’, can also spare a thought for all those people in our world who don’t even have water to drink …


God bless.


United in prayer for this intention, with affection,




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