Thursday, 16 January 2025
  • Italiano
  • English

Dear 2015,

I am writing these few lines to thank you for your gifts: as always, you gave us gifts in good times and in difficult times, because Divine Providence has always held out His hand.

So together, day after day, we have shared various experiences.

Today I want to tell you about our Rosminian Missions, one of the vital parts of the Congregation!!

You know, in your 365 days, we have always had the support of our benefactors, small drops, every week, every month, but essential to keep our missionary projects alive.

We have had about one hundred benefactors during this year, plus some church groups, diocesan missionary centers and the pupils of our schools who compete to support the Schools in India – Cheriathura and Maharastra- and in Tanzania -Kwediboma and Muheza.

This year we have collected 35,000.00 euro from donations, therefore, as you can see, the people who help us are very generous!

How can we thank all of them? Our commitment is this, to make sure the offering arrives at the destination according to the intention of the donors and our prayer for each of them.

Dear 2015, did you notice that all the projects were sustained with the help of all?
Let us look at some stages of this year:

Some sisters in Tanzania and India renewed their vows, others made their First Profession and Final Profession. They are the new shoots of this fertile missionary ground and must be cultivated with our prayers and our support.

The expansion of Kwediboma Rosmini Center and the construction of new classrooms for the primary school for the children of the area.

The expansion of Kwediboma Dispensary with the construction of a new wing of the hospital and with the purchase of new machines for treatment.

The purchase of a plot of land in front of the school to expand Cheriathura playground, as required by new regulations.

The project for the construction of the new school in Maharashtra pending authorization; now the children are attending lessons in an old run-down church.

Aid to poor familiesofbarriosin Venezuela

Support to the work of evangelization in La Guajira, Colombia.

And many more things because the help of everyone, were carried out.You know, dear 2015, I can tell you that we can really rely on our benefactors!!!!.

However, my dear 2015, I must also tell you that you could be more merciful to us. You have often created trouble for us with the laws that keep changing and are different in every country of the world, especially in sending funds to the countries of mission; the reason why it was not always possible to deal with all the requests. We hopethat thefuture will be better.

While I am greeting and thanking you, dear 2015, I ask you to give the correct orders to 2016 so that next year will also help us to support our missionary projects. I am enclosing the new brochure we made to support our missions.

Finally, I can confirm that in New Year’s Eve thanksgiving Mass we will keep all our benefactors in our heart and ask the Lord for abundant blessings for them.

Yours affectionately,

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