Thursday, 16 January 2025
  • Italiano
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United_Kingdom1.png My dear Sisters …

Via Aurelia, 773

 We remember … with gratitude
On the day of the Beatification, 18 November 2007, during his weekly audience in St Peter’s Square, Pope Benedict XVI praised the life and example of Rosmini saying: “This afternoon in Novara [Italy], the Venerable Servant of God Antonio Rosmini will be beatified, a great priestly figure and illustrious man of culture, inspired by a fervent love for God and the Church. He witnessed the virtue of charity in all its dimensions and at a high level… May his example help the Church … to grow in the awareness that the light of human reason and that of Grace, when they journey together, become a source of blessing for the human person and for society.” At the same time, Pope Benedict offered us the following reflection, incorporating a fundamental maxim of Rosmini: “Dear brothers and sisters, let us welcome Christ’s invitation to face daily events by trusting in his providential love. Let us not fear the future, even when it can appear with bleak colours, because the God of Jesus Christ, who entered history to open it to its transcendent fulfilment, is the alpha and the omega, the first and the last. He guarantees that in every little but genuine act of love there is the entire sense of the universe, and that the one who does not hesitate to lose his own life for him finds it again in fullness.” These words speak to us again today, when the circumstances seem to be against us and the world seems dark, due to the extended uncertainty of the present pandemic but where we hope each day, expecting a better future. Hope gives us the power to enter the reality of life and to believe that good can happen. Rooted in faith and sustained by grace, hope opens us up to an inner freedom and an appreciation of what we have and that life is worth living.

Bl. Antonio Rosmini says to us also today: “Troubles do not surface on day one but let us put our trust in the Lord. Christian hope, which does not deceive, provides a healing balm for all ills, because we who believe in a wise and kind Creator of all things, can certainly expect, that events which seem sorrowful and counter-productive will, in the end, rebound to the greater good of God’s kingdom and to the greater glory of that King who reigns over this everlasting kingdom and to whom belongs all power on heaven and on earth”. (A.L. Vol Vll lett l)
My dear Sisters, may Bl Antonio Rosmini inspire us in “Finding hope TOGETHER” – ‘a healing balm of all ills’ for our suffering world and may Beatification Day 2020 be a day of grace and blessing for us all!
“My Father …give me everything … according to the order of what is good.”

God bless.
With affection,

It is a blessing for the Congregation that there is a new candidate in Kerala and four have arrived in Muheza, Tanzania. Let us pray that God will continue to give new life where he wants.
I bring to your notice the ‘We pray for’ list, at the end of the Distribution; let us make a difference in the lives of our Sisters by praying reciprocally every day, during the intercessions

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