From the WORD of GOD
Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At daybreak he appeared in the Temple again; and as all the people came to him, he sat down and began to teach them. The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman along who had been caught committing adultery; and making her stand there in the middle they said to Jesus, ‘Master, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery, and in the Law Moses has ordered us to stone women of this kind. What have you got to say?’
They asked him this as a test, looking for an accusation to use against him. But Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger. As they persisted with their question, he straightened up and said, ‘Let the one among you who is guiltless be the first to throw a stone at her.’ Then he bent down and continued writing on the ground.
When they heard this they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest, until the last one had gone and Jesus was left alone with the woman, who remained in the middle. Jesus again straightened up and said, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?’ ‘No one, sir,’ she replied. ‘Neither do I condemn you,’ said Jesus. ‘Go away, and from this moment sin no more.’ (Jn 8, 1-11)
From the DOCUMENTS of the CHURCH
This is the love of God which precedes, anticipates and saves. The beginning of the history of sin in the Garden of Eden yields to a plan of saving love. The words of Genesis reflect our own daily experience: we are constantly tempted to disobedience, a disobedience expressed in wanting to go about our lives without regard for God’s will. This is the enmity which keeps striking at people’s lives, setting them in opposition to God’s plan. Yet the history of sin can only be understood in the light of God’s love and forgiveness. Sin can only be understood in this light. Were sin the only thing that mattered, we would be the most desperate of creatures. But the promised triumph of Christ’s love enfolds everything in the Father’s mercy. This Extraordinary Year is itself a gift of grace. To pass through the Holy Door means to rediscover the infinite mercy of the Father who welcomes everyone and goes out personally to encounter each of them. It is he who seeks us! It is he who comes to encounter us! This will be a year in which we grow ever more convinced of God’s mercy. How much wrong we do to God and his grace when we speak of sins being punished by his judgment before we speak of their being forgiven by his mercy (cf. Saint Augustine, De Praedestinatione Sanctorum, 12, 24)! But that is the truth. We have to put mercy before judgment, and in any event God’s judgement will always be in the light of his mercy. In passing through the Holy Door, then, may we feel that we ourselves are part of this mystery of love, of tenderness. Let us set aside all fear and dread, for these do not befit men and women who are loved. Instead, let us experience the joy of encountering that grace which transforms all things. (Holy Mass and opening of the Holy Door, homily of Pope Francis, Saint Peter’s Square, 8 December 2015)
From the WRITINGS of Blessed A. ROSMINI
It is surely better to leave the care of ourselves entirely to God, without wishing to know more, and to live in peace of mind from day to day, hour to hour, fully persuaded that his love for us far surpasses that of the most tender mother. This peace does not mean that we may not turn to him without ceasing, with the most filial confidence, telling him not only of our real needs but also of those which merely spring from our weakness and ignorance. For he will not be offended; he will listen even to these needs; in his tender love he will take pity on us; and he will either give us the strength we need to deal with our needs with the solicitude of a mother. Nor need we worry at the sight of our own defects. Jesus Christ has died for us; he has preserved our life up to now so that we may have the time to cleanse ourselves in his blood. And so I counsel largeness of heart, together with sorrow for sin – but sorrow full of trust, sorrow which is transmuted into love.
( To the Countess E. F. di Castellengo in Paris, from Stresa, 14 July 1842, in A.L. Vol. IV, let.70, pp.94-95, translated by J. Morris I.C.)
LET US PRAY ( Ps 32)
How blessed are those whose offence is forgiven,
whose sin blotted out.
How blessed are those to whom Yahweh imputes no guilt,
whose spirit harbours no deceit.
I said not a word, but my bones wasted away
from groaning all the day;
day and night your hand lay heavy upon me;
my heart grew parched as stubble in summer drought.
I made my sin known to you, did not conceal my guilt.
I said, ‘I shall confess my offence to Yahweh.’ And you,
for your part, took away my guilt, forgave my sin.
That is why each of your faithful ones prays to you
in time of distress.
Even if great floods overflow,
they will never reach your faithful.
You are a refuge for me, you guard me in trouble,
with songs of deliverance you surround me.
I shall instruct you and teach you the way to go;
I shall not take my eyes off you.
Be not like a horse or a mule; that does not understand
bridle or bit; if you advance to master them,
there is no means of bringing them near.
Countless troubles are in store for the wicked,
but one who trusts in Yahweh is enfolded in his faithful love.
Rejoice in Yahweh, exult all you upright, shout for joy,
you honest of heart.
PASTORAL YEAR 2015 – 2016
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