“Love one another as I have loved you.”
“Perfect charity (in which consists the perfection of all Christians) bringing the whole man into his Creator, can be defined as a total consecration or sacrifice that man makes of himself to God, in imitation of what his only begotten Son our Redeemer Jesus Christ did: for which consecration he proposes to have no other ultimate purpose in all his actions, outside than the worship of God, and not to make any other profession, nor to seek other good or taste on earth, outside than in order to please God and to serve him”.
Blessed Rosmini manifested to us what he first understood, the all-encompassing love in the twofold commandment of love found in the Synoptic Gospels, reproduces it in the introduction of the Maxims of perfection and echoes it in all his writings: “You will love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “you will love your neighbor as yourself” Together we prepare to move from a contemplative state to an active one: ready to “leave God for God”. “I only want to abandon myself to Divine Providence, to live in humility and peace, without desires, except for justice, without restlessness, but constantly and actively ready for good.