The way of living the Gospel of us Rosminians, that is, our Christian way of life, is based on a text written by Blessed Antonio Rosmini: The Maxims of Christian Perfection.

The Holy Spirit led the blessed to a deeper understanding of spiritual things and led him to describe three fundamental maxims to lead each person to the attainment of the end for which he was created and three maxims that indicate the means to achieve the same end.


To desire only and infinitely to please God, that is, to be just.

Turn all your thoughts and actions to the increase and glory of the Church of Jesus Christ.

To remain in perfect tranquility about all that happens by divine disposition regarding the Church of Jesus Christ, working for her behind the divine calling.

To abandon himself in divine Providence.

 Intimately recognize one’s own nothingness.

Arrange all the occupations of one’s life with a spirit of intelligence.”

All Christians, that is, the disciples of Jesus Christ, in whatever state and condition they may be, are called to live the Gospel, because Jesus said to all: “Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48).

If you wish to respond to this call, you must propose to do in your day what pleases God and gives him glory. : “Our Father, thy will be done, thy kingdom come…”

God’s will is charity: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

“Perfect charity (in which consists the perfection of all Christians) bringing the whole man into his Creator, can be defined as a total consecration or sacrifice that man makes of himself to God, in imitation of what his only begotten Son our Redeemer Jesus Christ did: for which consecration he proposes to have no other ultimate purpose in all his actions,  outside than the worship of God, and not to make any other profession, nor to seek other good or taste on earth, outside than in order to please God and to serve him”.


Massime di Perfezione Cristiana
Maxims of Christian perfection